ICA manages the new film and TV production cash rebate funded by a Fund for Tourism and Cinema which offers now one of the most attractive incentive schemes in Europe:
- Film, TV and VOD production – national and foreign (line/services), official and de facto co-productions;
- Minimum expenditure in Portugal: € 500.000 (fiction and animation) / € 250.000 (documentaries and post-production);
- Between 25% and 30% of eligible expenditure, depending on a Cultural Test and the characteristics of the project. Weighting factors: high economic impact in Portugal, expenses made in low density territories, hiring actors/technicians with disabilities;
- “First come first served” basis;
- Upfront payments in instalments.
In addition to this incentive, the Centro Portugal Film Commission has a set of exclusive supports for the Centro Region.
For more information: info@cportugalfilmcommission.pt